Michelle attends this cool science class in her school and one day they were making a slime. She spent the whole evening playing with it and kept asking to make this slime at home. Thanks to pinterest and google, we found a recipe that didn’t require complicated ingredients and decided to give it a try.
So first we did a liquid starch, added some food color (and of course it was blue because it’s Michelle’s favorite color), then  added school glue and that’s pretty much all the ingredients.
Since sharing sometimes hard in our household, we had to split the mixture into two bowl for both Michelle and Mia to mix, then decided to add red slime (the one Michelle brought from school) and after some mixing and kneading we finally got our slime! It doesn’t look pretty at all, but it feels better then it looks.
This was the coolest project we did so far, and looks like we need to buy some more school glue for our next slime making projects.